Phil Holt

Mace Games UK

My Activity Tracking

My progress

788 minutes

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I'm taking part in the Mace Games to help communities around the world. Please support me by donating!

My Achievements

Reached 50% of fundraising goal

Reached 100% of fundraising goal

Reached 50% of fitness target

Reached 100% of fitness target

My Updates

Day 31

Wednesday 31st Jul
last day - not going to burn out this is a steady crawl to the finish yep you guessed it 1000M in 30 mins

Day 30

Wednesday 31st Jul
next to last swim - took it steady did 1000M in 30mis

Day 29

Monday 29th Jul
after my deliberation from Saturday and Sunday the trunks are back on for another test run. hey presto 1200m in 30 mins - Boom 

Day 28

Monday 29th Jul
back to normal 30 mins 1000m. It has occurred to me (after great thought and analysis) that I am wearing swimming shorts with pockets etc - is this having a drag effect? can't be having that much impact - can it?

Day 27

Monday 29th Jul
well - well - well
no sauna. No steam room. had a late morning swim and absolutely stormed it did 1200m in 30 mins. I was on a mission - only had 1/2 hr but pushed and whoo hoo. Surprisingly when at home bragging about this I had nothing back -nothing  

Day 26

Monday 29th Jul
Rest day - I think it's needed

Day 25

Friday 26th Jul
I do not know why but this was a real struggle - wanted to not push too hard with the muscle still not 100% and stayed on front crawl as I can progress with less leg movements. again I though a slow swim and I did 1000M in 30 mins - this is just silly

Day 24

Friday 26th Jul
rest day 

Day 23

Wednesday 24th Jul
Pool is busy nowadays - must be school holidays. Had a late booking as it was the only time I could get. Did another 1000M but pulled my muscle again, this keeping fit does not do me any good, but it is only a twinge so gently does it.

Day 22

Monday 22nd Jul
I got up early and was waiting for the Pool to open (eager me). Did my 1000M and felt smug. start the week well.

Day 21

Monday 22nd Jul
Back in the pool and to be honest I had missed it. I tried to get a swim on Saturday but was 1/2 hour late. back in the pool and surprising still exactly the same 30mins 1000m - come on!

Days 18/19/20

Monday 22nd Jul
I could not fit a swim in during this short break but I am hoping the rest will give me motivation for the rest of the month

Day 17

Monday 22nd Jul
struggled to fit the swim in today - had to push the family so that I could fit 30mins into schedule but managed and another 1000m

Day 16

Tuesday 16th Jul
back to normal front crawl 30 mins 1000M. BOOM!

Day 15

Tuesday 16th Jul
back too it. my wife commented on my back stroke ( not that complimentary) she said it was slow but precise. anyway tried a mix of strokes as breast stroke I could still feel the pulled muscle - but I did 1000M 40 Mins

Day 14

Tuesday 16th Jul
had a rest day - pulled muscle, thought it best to rest it.


Monday 15th Jul
lovely warm day - so went to the coast. managed a sea swim for 30mins but only achieved 600m, and pulled a muscle 

Day 12

Friday 12th Jul
Early morning swim - felt tired but the smug factor dragged me out of bed another 1000m steady going 35 mins

Day 11

Friday 12th Jul
not sure if this is a 10 day hitch but my goodness I fell pooped. Did a steady 1000M breast stroke - guess the time - that's right 35 mins

Day 10

Thursday 11th Jul
swim after work (and after a sauna & steam) did breast stroke 1000M 35 mins - seems standard time, you could set the clock to my 1000m

Day 9

Tuesday 9th Jul
Early (smug) swim again this morning - back to normal 1000m front crawl 30 mins.

Day 8

Tuesday 9th Jul
Breast stroke today 1000M in 33 mins - best time for this stroke, I thought I'd done this in under 30 mins - need to check the wall clock

Day 7

Monday 8th Jul
Boom! a week done and I beat my target I did 30mins and did 1100M - wow - to celebrate I had a beer

Day 6

Monday 8th Jul
tired today - this swim every day must be having an effect. Did a mix of strokes today and achieved another 1000M in 30 mins

Day 5

Friday 5th Jul
Early start today and it was difficult to drag myself out of my bed. But another 1000M in 30 mins - Front crawl appears to be standard 30mins = 1000m with breast stroke 5 -10 mins slower (sauna dependant) would like to improve my times

Day 4

Thursday 4th Jul
After yesterday decided (after some contemplation) to have an early morning swim. Did OK and felt smug. another 1000m

Day 3

Thursday 4th Jul
tough day today - I expected it to get easier. To de honest I did 20 mins in the Sauna before having a swim - my goodness it was tough going, the Sauna and the swim. But another 1000m but it took 35 mins and a rest afterwards

day 2

Wednesday 3rd Jul
sports centre has a 30 min booking slot so have to get what I can in the time allowed. Had a slower swim and broke it up with a sauna. but at least another 1000m but it took me a little longer. I blame the sauna

Day 1

Tuesday 2nd Jul
Late evening swim (last 30 mins before the pool closed) phew.
30 mins before they kicked me out 1000m :-) - on target for my challenge of 24K in july

Thank you to my Sponsors


Phil Holt