The Mace Foundation is pleased to announce that St Mungo's will be our charity partner for 2023-2024.

At St Mungo’s, they know that it takes more than a roof over someone’s head to end homelessness. While sleeping rough is the most visible form of homelessness, the causes and consequences of having nowhere stable to live are often much more complicated. That’s why they’ve developed a recovery based approach for their clients, focusing on addressing the issues a person faces to help them move on with their lives.

Mace employee fundraising/donations and match funding from the Foundation will support St Mungo’s Recovery College - helping people have a sustained recovery from homelessness through education and employment.

Headline 2024 St Mungo’s charitable objectives:

  • Mace people to raise £50k for St Mungo’s by taking part in fundraising challenges to help reduce rough sleeping in the UK
  • Raise awareness and understanding of homelessness
  • Help St Mungo’s clients have a sustained recovery from homelessness through training and employment
  • Give back to St Mungo’s via volunteering/pro bono support.

How can you get involved?

  • Click here to see St Mungo’s 2024 events calendar.

If you are a Mace employee, don't forget to apply for match funding from the Foundation if you take part in any fundraising events for St Mungo's. If you would like to make a donation below to St Mungo's, the Mace Foundation will then match this amount. 

Case Studies

2020 was not only about donating money to support our charity partners - working together and using our expertise and skills to help others has also made a meaningful impact. A great example of this is our pro bono work for St Mungo's where we helped turn a shelter into a home and how we helped homeless people into a sustained recovery by supporting them into employment on Mace projects.

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I'd like to make this donation

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could help pay for essentials, such as toiletries and bedding, for someone coming in from the cold.
could help make someone’s last night on the street.
could help to provide the essentials someone needs when they arrive at St Mungo’s.
could help staff to run skills courses, such as numeracy and literacy, in St Mungo’s hostels.

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£0.00 monthly
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Gift Aid Yes, I am a UK taxpayer. Please treat all donations as Gift Aid donations. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference.